[schumann97ase] | Johann Schumann, Bernd Fischer, NORA/HAMMR: Making Deduction-Based Software Component Retrieval Practical, Proc. Automated Software Engineering (ASE-97), pp. 246--254, November 1997.
Deduction-based software component retrieval uses pre- and postconditions
as indexes and search keys and an automated theorem prover (ATP)
to check whether a component matches. This idea is very simple but
the vast number of arising proof tasks makes a practical implementation
very hard. We thus pass the components through a chain of filters
of increasing deductive power. In this chain, rejection filters based
on signature matching and model checking techniques are used to rule
out non-matches as early as possible and to prevent the subsequent
ATP from ``drowning.'' Hence, intermediate results of reasonable
precision are available at (almost) any time of the retrieval process.
The final ATP step then works as a confirmation filter to lift the
precision of the answer set. We implemented a chain which runs fully
automatically and uses MACE for model checking and the automated
prover SETHEO as confirmation filter. We evaluated the system over
a medium-sized collection of components. The results encourage our
Authors at the institute