[stoerzer05splat] | Maximilian Störzer, Stefan Hanenberg, A Classification of Pointcut Language Constructs, Software-engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies, March 2005.
held in conjunction with AOSD 2005 |
Aspect-oriented systems provide pointcut languages in order to specify
selection criteria for join points which in turn will be adapted.
However, a closer look into current pointcut languages reveals that
there are large differences among them. Consequently different aspect-oriented
system permit to specify different selection criteria. This also
means that it is in general hard to state whether a certain aspect-oriented
system is adequate for a given problem without detailed system knowledge.
This paper analyzes and classifies pointcut language constructs based
on the objects they reason on. Based on this analysis, we propose
three conceptual classes of pointcut constructs. These classes represent
an abstract framework for pointcut languages allowing to better understand
and compare existing approaches. They also describe a design space
for potential new language constructs.
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