[lochbihler12esop] | Andreas Lochbihler, Java and the Java Memory Model -- a Unified, Machine-Checked Formalisation, Helmut Seidl (Ed.), Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 497--517, Springer, March 2012.
We present a machine-checked formalisation of the Java memory model and connect it to an operational semantics for Java source code and bytecode.
This provides the link between sequential semantics and the memory model that has been missing in the literature.
Our model extends previous formalisations by dynamic memory allocation, thread spawns and joins, infinite executions, the wait-notify mechanism and thread interruption.
We prove the Java data race freedom guarantee for the complete formalisation in a modular way.
This work makes the assumptions about the sequential semantics explicit and shows how to discharge them.
Original article available at springerlink.com.
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